Child & Family Therapy
Therapy with young children can look very different from therapy with a teen or adult. Young children communicate through their play, and so I use directive and non-directive play techniques in helping them express or work through difficulties. This often involves the use of engaging stories and metaphors. I involve parents collaboratively in the therapy process. Teenagers Teens will sit and talk with me, but it is important to work with them in ways that they find engaging. Teens need to feel that they have a safe space to discuss their worries, and their privacy is crucial to the success of therapy. Parents may be brought into sessions with the teen’s approval in order to assist in discussing parent-child issues. Families Family therapy involves multiple members of a family (adults, teens, children). At times, everyone participates in a session. There are also times when I will meet with various configurations, such as the adults without the children, the children together, or one parent and one child. |
Specialized therapy for children, teens, or entire families. |